100 Science Words A To Z & Meaning (For Every Subject) - EngDic (2024)

Learning science involves not just understanding concepts but also familiarizing oneself with the specific vocabulary used in scientific discussions. For English as a Second Language (ESL) students, building a solid foundation in science vocabularyis essential for academic success and effective communication in the scientific community.

This guide is designed to introduce ESL students to key science vocabulary words with meaning, spanning from A to Z. Each word is carefully selected to cover various subjects of science, providing a comprehensive glossary that will aid in understanding scientific texts, engaging in discussions, and expressing scientific ideas more confidently and accurately.

Whether you’re a beginner or looking to expand your existing science vocabulary, this list will be a valuable resource in your journey of learning and exploring the world of science.

Science Words A to Z

Here is the list of a to z science words:



Science Words Starting With A:

AnatomyStudy of body structure
AstrophysicsStudy of celestial bodies
AerodynamicsScience of air movement
AbioticNon-living environmental factors
Amino acidBuilding blocks of proteins
AlkalineHaving basic properties
AntibodyImmune system protein
AmphibianDual-life stage animals
AutotrophSelf-feeding organism
AlgorithmStep-by-step problem-solving procedure
AcousticsStudy of sound
AtomicRelated to atoms
AnthropologyStudy of human societies
Acid rainPolluted, acidic precipitation
AntigenSubstance triggering immune response
AgroecologyStudy of ecological agriculture
AsymmetryLack of symmetry
AerobicRequiring oxygen
AdenosineNucleoside in DNA, RNA
AtomizationConversion into small particles
AmorphousWithout definite shape
AgroforestryAgriculture with tree farming
AblationRemoval or melting away
AdiabaticProcess without heat transfer
AlkaloidNitrogen-containing organic compounds
ApertureOpening controlling light passage
AlbedoReflectivity of a surface
AnthocyaninPigment in plants
AllograftTransplant from another individual

Science Words Starting With B:

BiotechnologyTechnology using biological systems
BotanyStudy of plants
BiochemistryChemistry of living organisms
BiodiversityVariety of life forms
BiomassTotal mass of organisms
BiomechanicsMechanics in biological systems
BiosphereEarth’s life-supporting layer
BrainwaveBrain’s electrical activity
BioticLiving or once-living organisms
BallisticsStudy of projectiles
BioremediationUse of organisms for cleanup
BaryonHeavy subatomic particles
BinaryInvolving two components
BarometerInstrument measuring atmospheric pressure
BenthosOrganisms in water bottoms
BioinformaticsBiology with computational analysis
BiopsyTissue examination for diagnosis
BirefringenceDouble refraction in materials
BioluminescenceLight from living organisms
BiotinVitamin B7
BouyancyAbility to float
BrackishSlightly salty water
BacteriophageVirus infecting bacteria
Beta particleHigh-energy electron or positron
Beta decayRadioactive decay process
Bose-Einstein condensateState of matter
Blood pressureForce of circulating blood
Black holeSpace with strong gravity
BlastulaEarly embryonic stage
B lymphocyteWhite blood cell type

Science Words Starting With C:

ChemistryScience of matter properties
Cell BiologyStudy of cell structure, function
Carbon cycleEarth’s carbon exchange process
Climate changeLong-term weather pattern shifts
ChromosomeDNA-containing cell structure
CatastrophismSudden geological changes
CytoskeletonCell’s structural framework
ChlorophyllGreen pigment in plants
Continental driftMovement of Earth’s continents
ConvectionHeat transfer via fluid movement
CosmologyStudy of the universe
CloneGenetic copy of an organism
Capillary actionLiquid movement in narrow spaces
CrustaceanHard-shelled aquatic animals
CarcinogenCancer-causing substance
CationPositively charged ion
CryogenicsStudy of low temperatures
Covalent bondChemical bond sharing electrons
Carbon datingAge determination using carbon-14
CarnivoreMeat-eating organism
Centrifugal forceOutward force in rotation
ChemosynthesisChemical energy-based life production
CephalopodMarine mollusks like squid
CalcificationAccumulation of calcium salts
Chemical equilibriumBalanced chemical reactions
ClimatologyStudy of climate
Convergent evolutionSimilar trait evolution in unrelated species
ChitinPolysaccharide in arthropod exoskeletons
CyclotronParticle accelerator
CatabolismBreakdown of complex molecules

Science Words Starting With D:

DNAGenetic material
Data miningExtracting information from data
DiodeElectronic component allowing current flow
Dark matterUnseen, gravitational matter
Doppler effectWave frequency change with movement
DendriteNeuron’s signal-receiving branch
DichotomyDivision into two parts
DigestionFood breakdown process
DiurnalDaily or daytime activity
DecibelSound intensity unit
DiffractionWave bending around obstacles
Deoxyribonucleic acidFull form of DNA
DNA sequencingDetermining DNA’s exact sequence
DepolarizationLoss of electrical charge difference
Divergent evolutionDifferent trait evolution in related species
DeciduousSeasonally shedding leaves
DiaphragmMuscle aiding in breathing
DopamineNeurotransmitter in the brain
DivergenceMoving or evolving apart
DihybridInvolving two genetic traits
DrosophilaFruit fly, genetic study subject
DinosaursExtinct, large reptiles
DecidabilityProblem’s solvability
DiamagnetismMaterial repelling magnetic fields
DendrochronologyTree ring-based dating
DialecticLogical argumentation method
DispersionSpread of light or particles
DesalinationRemoving salt from water
DesiccationDrying out or dehydration
Diurnal rhythmDay-night activity cycle

Science Words Starting With E:

EcologyStudy of organisms’ environments
EvolutionSpecies’ gradual change over time
EarthquakeSudden Earth crust movement
ElectromagneticRelating to electromagnetism
EmbryologyStudy of embryos
EcosystemInteracting organisms and environment
EnzymeBiological catalysts
EntropyDisorder or randomness measure
ElectronegativityAtom’s electron attracting ability
ErosEarth surface wearing away
Electron microscopyHigh-resolution microscopy using electrons
Ecological footprintImpact measure on environment
EquilibriumState of balance
ElectrolysisChemical decomposition by electricity
ElectrophoresisMolecules’ movement in electric field
EndothermicAbsorbing heat
EutrophicationExcess nutrient-caused water body enrichment
Electron transport chainCellular energy production process
EpigeneticsStudy of gene expression changes
EcholocationUsing sound to locate objects
ExoplanetPlanet outside solar system
Exponential growthIncreasingly rapid growth
ExoskeletonExternal skeleton
Electron configurationElectrons’ arrangement in atom
ElectrocardiogramHeart electrical activity recording
Evolutionary biologyStudy of organisms’ evolution
ExcitatoryStimulating nerve cell activity
Emission spectrumEmitted light spectrum
ExtrapolationEstimating beyond known data
EpidemiologyStudy of disease spread

Science Words Starting With F:

FossilPreserved ancient organism remains
FermentationMicrobial organic substance breakdown
FusionJoining atomic nuclei
FrictionResistance to motion
FluorescenceLight emission after absorption
ForcePhysical influence causing motion
Food webOrganisms’ feeding relationships
Fluid mechanicsStudy of fluids motion
FrequencyOccurrence rate per unit time
Forensic scienceScience in criminal investigation
FaunaAnimal life in a region
FeedbackResponse influencing future action
FahrenheitTemperature scale
Faraday’s lawElectromagnetic induction principle
FloraPlant life in a region
Finite element analysisNumerical method for solving physical problems
Fourier seriesFunction decomposition into frequencies
Focal lengthDistance for sharp image focus
FissionSplitting atomic nuclei
FieldPhysical quantity in space area
FibroblastConnective tissue cell
FluorideFluorine ion
Fossil fuelAncient biological matter-based fuel
FluorineChemical element F
FungusSpore-producing organisms
Fluid dynamicsStudy of fluid motion
FractalComplex geometric patterns
Free energyEnergy available for work
Fuel cellDevice converting chemical energy to electricity
FiltrationSeparating solids from fluids

Science Words Starting With G:

GeneticsStudy of heredity
GeologyStudy of Earth’s composition
GravityForce attracting masses
GlucoseSimple sugar
GeneDNA segment encoding traits
GenomeOrganism’s complete genetic material
Gamma raysHigh-energy electromagnetic radiation
Genetics engineeringGenetic material modification
Greenhouse effectWarming of Earth’s surface
Gas chromatographyGas-based substance separation
GalvanometerInstrument measuring electric current
GeothermalEarth’s internal heat
Gaseous stateMatter in gas form
Gene expressionGene’s functional manifestation
Gas lawGas pressure, volume, temperature relations
Genetic variationGenetic diversity in population
Gene therapyDisease treatment using genes
Germ theoryDiseases caused by microorganisms
GeodesyEarth’s shape, size, gravitational field study
Gravitational waveSpace-time ripples
Genome sequencingDetermining entire DNA sequence
Gas exchangeGases transfer in respiration
GeomorphologyStudy of landforms
Genetic codeDNA and RNA instructions
GenotypeGenetic makeup of an organism
Green chemistryEnvironment-friendly chemical practices
Genetic algorithmProblem-solving using natural selection
Gene poolGenetic diversity in population
Genetic driftRandom genetic variation changes

Science Words Starting With H:

HydrogenLightest chemical element
HormoneRegulatory substance in organisms
HypothesisProposed explanation for phenomena
HelixSpiral shape
HemoglobinOxygen-carrying protein in blood
HydrologyStudy of water movement
HybridizationGenetic cross-breeding
HeatEnergy form causing temperature rise
HabitatOrganism’s natural environment
HydrothermalRelating to hot water
HybridomaHybrid cells for antibodies
HomeostasisInternal condition stability
HydroponicsSoil-less plant cultivation
HeterogeneousComposed of different elements
HelicaseEnzyme unwinding DNA
HydrocarbonCompounds of hydrogen and carbon
HaploidSingle set of chromosomes
HeredityGenetic information transfer
HemisphericRelating to a hemisphere
HistologyStudy of tissues
HeterotrophOrganism consuming others for nutrients
HydrodynamicStudy of fluids in motion
HydrolysisChemical breakdown with water
HyperthermiaExcessively high body temperature
HeterozygousDifferent alleles at a gene
HominidHuman and related species
Heat transferThermal energy movement
HyperplasiaIncreased cell number

Science Words Starting With I:

InertiaResistance to motion change
InfraredBeyond red light spectrum
InsulinHormone regulating blood sugar
In vitroOutside a living organism
IonizationAdding or removing electrons
InterferenceOverlap of waves
IsotopeAtoms with same number of protons, different neutrons
InductionGenerating an electric current
ImmunologyStudy of immune system
Immune systemBody’s defense against pathogens
In situIn original place
InoculationIntroducing antigen for immunity
InterferometryTechnique using wave interference
InvertebrateAnimals without backbones
InorganicNot organic, without carbon
Inverse square lawIntensity inversely proportional to distance squared
IsolationSeparation from others
Ionic bondAttraction between ions
InversionPosition or condition reversal
InterstitialRelating to small spaces
ImmunosuppressantDrug reducing immune response
InsolationSunlight exposure
IntracellularWithin cells
InterpolationEstimating within known values
IsentropicConstant entropy process
IntravenousWithin or into a vein
Ion chromatographyAnalyzing ionic components
Ion exchangeIons swapped between solutions
IonosphereEarth’s upper atmosphere layer
IsostasyEarth’s crust equilibrium

Science Words Starting With J:

JouleEnergy unit
JuncturePoint of time
Jet streamHigh-altitude air currents
JuxtapositionPlacing things side by side
JurassicGeologic time period

Science Words Starting With K:

Kinetic energyEnergy in motion
Kepler’s lawsPlanetary motion laws
Krebs cycleCellular respiration
Krebs cycleCellular respiration process
KaryotypeChromosome number and appearance
KinaseEnzyme modifying proteins

Science Words Starting With L:

LightElectromagnetic radiation visible to eyes
LithosphereEarth’s solid outer layer
LatitudeGeographic coordinate (north-south)
LuminosityBrightness of a celestial object
LeukocyteWhite blood cell
Life cycleOrganism’s life stages
LysosomeCell’s waste disposal organelle
LaserLight amplification by stimulated emission
LimnologyStudy of inland waters
LongitudinalLengthwise direction
LuminiferousEmitting light
LinearStraight-line related
LeptonsElementary particles, e.g., electron
Life spanDuration of organism’s life
LigandMolecule binding to another
LunarRelating to the moon
LatticeRegular, repeating structure
LymphocyteType of white blood cell
LensLight converging or diverging component
LichenSymbiotic algae and fungi
Law of conservation of energyEnergy neither created nor destroyed
LarynxVoice box in throat
LipidFats and fat-like substances
LuminanceBrightness of an object
LiquefactionSolid becoming liquid
LacrimalRelating to tears
LaminarSmooth, layered flow
LactationMilk production in mammals
LuminescenceLight emission not from heat

Science Words Starting With M:

MagnetismAttraction or repulsion forces
MoleculeGroup of atoms bonded together
MitosisCell division in eukaryotes
MicroorganismMicroscopic organism
MicroscopeInstrument for viewing tiny objects
MineralNaturally occurring inorganic solid
MeteorologyStudy of weather and atmosphere
MutationChange in DNA sequence
MembraneThin, flexible barrier
MyocardiumHeart muscle
MammalWarm-blooded, fur-covered vertebrates
MassAmount of matter in object
MomentumMass in motion
MeiosisCell division for sexual reproduction
MacromoleculeLarge complex molecule
MesosphereEarth’s atmosphere layer
MicrobiologyStudy of microorganisms
Molecular biologyStudy of biological molecules
MyelinNerve fiber insulating layer
MeteoriteSpace rock hitting Earth
Melting pointTemperature for solid to liquid
Molecular massMass of a molecule
MycologyStudy of fungi
MucousViscous secretion
Magnetic fieldMagnetic force area
MonocultureSingle crop cultivation
Motor neuronNerve cell triggering muscle action
MetamorphosisDramatic form change in organisms
MycorrhizaFungus-root symbiosis

Science Words Starting With N:

NuclearRelating to nucleus
NitrogenChemical element N
NeuroscienceStudy of the nervous system
Newton’s lawsMotion principles
NeutronNeutral subatomic particle
NucleusAtom’s central core or cell’s control center
Natural selectionSurvival of the fittest
NerveFiber transmitting impulses
NanotechnologyTechnology on molecular scale
NucleotideDNA, RNA building blocks
Nitrogen cycleNitrogen’s movement through environment
NeurotransmitterNerve signal chemical
Noble gasInert gaseous elements
NanoparticleMicroscopic particle
NomenclatureNaming system in science
NucleosideNucleotide without phosphate group
NephronKidney’s functional unit
NitrateNitrogen compound
NucleolusSmall nucleus region
NucleosomeDNA-protein complex
NucleoplasmSubstance in nucleus
NociceptorPain receptor
NonpolarNot having poles
Nucleic acidDNA or RNA
NeuromodulatorModifies nerve cell function
NeurologyStudy of the nervous system
Neap tideMinimal tide range
NucleophilicElectron pair donor
NutrientSubstance providing nourishment
Nucleotide sequenceDNA, RNA base order

Science Words Starting With O:

OrganismIndividual living entity
OpticsStudy of light properties
OrganicCarbon-containing compounds
OxidationSubstance loses electrons
OceanographyStudy of oceans
OsmosisWater movement through membrane
OzoneOxygen’s triatomic form
ObservationAct of observing
Organic chemistryStudy of carbon compounds
OrbitPath around a celestial body
OsmoregulationControlling internal water, salt
OntogenyDevelopment of an organism
OccultationOne body passing in front of another
OncogeneCancer-causing gene
OrthogonalRight angles, perpendicular
OlfactoryRelating to sense of smell
Oxidative phosphorylationEnergy production in cells
OvaryFemale reproductive organ
OxideCompound with oxygen
OperonGene cluster functioning together
OverlapExtend over, cover part
OrogenyMountain formation process
Optical fiberLight transmitting fiber
OscillationBack-and-forth movement
Oxidative stressDamage from free radicals
OsteocyteBone cell
OmnivoreEating both plants and animals

Science Words Starting With P:

PhysicsScience of matter, energy, motion
PhotosynthesisPlants making food from light
PhysiologyStudy of living organisms’ functions
PolymerLarge molecule from repeated units
ProteinEssential body-building molecules
Periodic tableElement organization chart
ProkaryoteOrganism without nucleus
PressureForce per area unit
PaleontologyStudy of ancient life
ProtonPositive subatomic particle
PopulationGroup of the same species
PaleozoicGeological time era
PhotosystemLight capturing complex in plants
PeptideShort amino acid chain
PhylumMajor taxonomic group
PhosphorylationAdding phosphate to molecule
PermeabilityAbility to allow substances through
Plate tectonicsEarth’s surface movement theory
PhotovoltaicConverting light to electricity
PetrologyStudy of rocks
PheromoneChemical signal between organisms
PetrochemicalChemicals from petroleum
PaleoclimatologyStudy of ancient climates
PolymorphismMultiple forms existence
PolarizationDirection of light or waves
PhloemPlant’s nutrient transport tissue
PrecessionGradual axis change in rotating body
PolysaccharideLong carbohydrate molecules
PalindromeSame forward and backward
PyruvateEnd product of glycolysis

Science Words Starting With Q:

Quantum mechanicsPhysics of atomic and subatomic particles
QuasarExtremely bright celestial object
QuasiparticleEmergent phenomenon acting as a particle
QuaternaryGeologic time period
QuenchingRapid cooling process

Science Words Starting With R:

RadioactivitySpontaneous atomic nucleus emission
RNARibonucleic acid, genetic messenger
RespirationBreathing or energy production
ReproductionOrganism creation process
RibosomeProtein synthesis site in cells
RadiationEnergy emission as waves or particles
ReflexInvoluntary response to stimulus
RefractionLight bending in different media
ReplicationCopying DNA
ReactionResponse to stimulus
RedoxOxidation-reduction chemical reactions
Renewable energySustainably sourced power
RetrovirusRNA virus replicating in a host
RadiometryMeasurement of electromagnetic radiation
RegenerationTissue or organ regrowth
RetrogradeMoving backward
RheologyStudy of flow and deformation
RhizomeUnderground plant stem
RuminantCud-chewing animal
Radioactive decayUnstable nucleus losing energy
RNA splicingRNA editing process
RecessiveNot dominant genetic trait
RhyoliteVolcanic rock
RheumatologyStudy of rheumatic diseases
Root hairPlant root extension for absorption
Radiation therapyCancer treatment with radiation
RibozymeRNA with enzymatic activity
ReactorDevice for nuclear reactions
RadiolariaProtozoa with silica skeletons
ReagentSubstance used in chemical reactions

Science Words Starting With S:

Solar systemSun and its planetary system
SpeciesBasic unit of biological classification
SynthesisCombining parts into a whole
SoundVibrations perceived as noise
SustainabilityMeeting current needs without harming future
SteroidOrganic compound type
SystemSet of connected things or parts
SedimentMatter settling at the bottom
SeismologyStudy of earthquakes
SubstrateUnderlying substance or layer
SolutionHomogeneous mixture
SupernovaStar exploding dramatically
Sex chromosomeContinuing from where we left off
Sex chromosomeChromosome determining sex
SymbiosisInteraction between different species
SoluteSubstance dissolved in another
SolidMatter with definite shape and volume
Stem cellUndifferentiated biological cell
StressBody’s response to challenges
StratigraphyStudy of rock layers
SupernatantLiquid above a solid residue
SerotoninNeurotransmitter affecting mood
SubatomicSmaller than an atom
SpectroscopyStudy of light’s interaction with matter
SulphurChemical element S
SynapseJunction between two nerve cells
Specific gravityDensity relative to water
SalinitySalt concentration in water
SplicingRNA modification process
SomaticRelating to the body
Seismic waveWave from earthquakes

Science Words Starting With T:

TemperatureDegree of heat or cold
TranspirationWater vapor release in plants
Trophic levelPosition in a food web
TissueGroup of similar cells
Tectonic plateEarth’s crust section
ThermodynamicsHeat and energy study
TranscriptionDNA to RNA conversion
TransgenicGenetically modified organism
TheorySystem of ideas explaining something
TransmembraneAcross a membrane
TaxonomyOrganism classification system
TerrestrialRelating to Earth or land
ThyroidGland in neck, secretes hormones
TidalRelating to tides
Transposable elementDNA segment that can change position
TumorAbnormal tissue growth
ToxicologyStudy of poisons
TorsionTwisting force
ThermalRelating to heat
ThrombocytePlatelet, blood-clotting cell
TransverseLying or extending across
ThermoregulationTemperature regulation in organisms
ThylakoidMembrane sacs in chloroplasts
TopographyEarth’s surface features
TelomereChromosome end part
TetrapodFour-limbed vertebrate
ThermophileHeat-loving microorganism
TransductionSignal conversion from one form to another
TurbidityCloudiness in liquids
TrophoblastCells forming the outer layer of a blastocyst

Science Words Starting With U:

UltravioletBeyond violet light spectrum
UracilNitrogen base in RNA
UniformitarianismGeological processes’ consistency over time
UbiquitinProtein regulating other proteins
UreaseEnzyme breaking down urea
UltrasonicBeyond human hearing sound
UreaNitrogenous compound in urine
UniverseAll of space and everything in it
UraniumRadioactive chemical element

Science Words Starting With V:

VelocitySpeed in a specific direction
VectorQuantity with magnitude and direction
ViscosityFluid’s resistance to flow
VentilationAir movement into and out of space
Van der Waals forcesWeak molecular attractions
VolcanoOpening in Earth’s surface, erupts magma
VestigialRelic, no longer useful organ
VariationDifference within a species
VascularRelating to blood vessels or plants’ water-conducting system
ValenceCombining capacity of an atom
ViabilityAbility to live or develop
VentricularRelating to ventricles
Vector-borneCarried by insects or other organisms
ViticultureGrape cultivation
VaporizationConversion from liquid to vapor
VirologyStudy of viruses
VesicleSmall fluid-filled sac
VertebrateAnimal with a backbone
VisceralRelating to internal organs
VernalizationCold treatment for flowering induction
VoltElectric potential unit
VirulenceDisease-causing ability
VibrationalRelating to vibration
Vapor pressurePressure from a vapor in equilibrium
VasodilationWidening of blood vessels
Vas deferensTube transporting sperm
VacuoleCell’s storage organelle
Vapor barrierMaterial preventing vapor passage
Vibrational energyEnergy in vibrating system

Science Words Starting With W:

WaterH2O, essential for life
WeatherAtmospheric conditions at a place
WaveDisturbance transferring energy
WavelengthDistance between wave peaks
WorkForce causing object displacement
WindAir in motion
WildlifeAnimals not domesticated or cultivated
WattPower unit
WetlandLand with water saturation
Waste managementHandling and disposal of waste
White blood cellBlood cell fighting infection
WoodFibrous material from trees
Western blotProtein detection technique
WeightGravity’s force on an object
WingLimb for flying
WastewaterUsed or contaminated water
WettabilitySurface’s ability to be wetted
WeatheringRocks breaking down by weather
Wildlife conservationProtecting wild species and habitats
WormInvertebrate with elongated body
WatershedArea draining into a water body
Wet bulbHumidity measurement
Water cycleWater’s movement through environment
WoodpeckerBird that pecks wood
Wind powerEnergy from wind
Wind chillPerceived decrease in air temperature
Water qualityWater’s suitability for use
Wall shear stressForce exerted by fluid on wall
WebInterconnected network
WildfireUncontrolled fire in nature

Science Words Starting With X:

XenobioticForeign substance to an organism
X-ray crystallographyStructure determination using X-rays
XylemPlant tissue transporting water
XerophytePlant adapted to dry conditions
X-ray diffractionX-rays scattered by atoms

Science Words Starting With Y:

YeastFungi used in fermentation
YieldProduction amount
YolkNutrient-rich part of an egg
Y chromosomeMale sex chromosome
Y-axisVertical axis in a graph

Science Words Starting With Z:

ZoologyStudy of animals
Zero gravityCondition of weightlessness
ZincMetallic chemical element
ZygoteFertilized egg cell
ZonalRelating to a zone or belt

Science Words (Divided by Subject)

Science has many subjects and popular ones are chemistry, physics, maths, and biology. Let us look at some dictionary words for each subject.

Physics Words A To Z

Below is the list of physics words:

A: Acceleration, Amplitude, Atom, Angular momentum, Archimedes’ principle, Ampere

B: Black hole, Bernoulli’s principle, Big Bang, Boltzmann constant, Buoyancy, Bohr model

C: Conservation laws, Coulomb’s law, Conduction, Centripetal force, Cosmology, Capacitance

D: Density, Doppler effect, Diffraction, Displacement, Decibel, Duality

E: Energy, Electric field, Equilibrium, Electromagnetism, Einstein’s theory of relativity, Entropy

F: Force, Friction, Frequency, Faraday’s law, Fermi energy, Fission

G: Gravitational force, Gauss’s law, General relativity, Gamma rays, Geodesic, Gauss’s law for magnetism

H: Heat, Hooke’s law, Harmonic motion, Hydrostatic pressure, Higgs boson, Heisenberg uncertainty principle

I: Inertia, Interference, Inverse square law, Inelastic collision, Induction, Impulse

J: Joule, Joule’s law, Joule-Thomson effect

K: Kinetic energy, Kepler’s laws, Kirchhoff’s laws

L: Light, Law of conservation of energy, Leptons, Lenz’s law, Luminosity, Lorentz transformation

M: Mass, Magnetism, Momentum, Magnetic field, Newton’s laws of motion, Michelson-Morley experiment

N: Newton, Nuclear energy, Newton’s law of gravitation, Neutrino, Nuclear fission, Nuclear fusion

O: Ohm’s law, Optics, Oscillation, Ohmic resistance, Orbital, Ohmic heating

P: Power, Pressure, Photon, Projectile motion, Planck’s constant, Photoelectric effect

Q: Quantum mechanics, Quark, Quasars

R: Resistance, Refraction, Relativity, Radioactivity, Rotational motion, Rutherford model

S: Speed, Sound, Static electricity, Scalar, Superposition, Special relativity

T: Time, Temperature, Torque, Thermodynamics, Transverse waves, Tesla

U: Uniform motion, Ultraviolet, Uncertainty principle, Ultrasound, Universal gravitation, Unit

V: Velocity, Voltage, Vacuum, Vector, Vibration, Virtual image

W: Work, Waves, Watt, Wavelength, Weak force, Wigner effect

X: X-rays, X-ray diffraction

Y: Young’s modulus, Yield strength

Z: Zeeman effect, Zero-point energy

Chemistry Words A To Z

Below is the list of chemistry words:

A: Acid, Atom, Alloy, Ammonia, Alkali, Aldehyde

B: Benzene, Buffer, Bond, Base, Bromine, Barium

C: Catalyst, Carbon, Chemical, Chlorine, Compound, Covalent

D: Dilute, Distillation, Double bond, Decomposition, Detergent, Dipole

E: Electron, Ester, Element, Enzyme, Ethanol, Evaporation

F: Fermentation, Fluorine, Formula, Freezing, Fuel, Fusion

G: Gas, Glassware, Graphite, Glycerol, Group, Green chemistry

H: Hydrogen, Halogen, Heavy metal, Homogeneous, Hydration, Hydrolysis

I: Inorganic, Ion, Indicator, Iodine, Ionic, Isomer

J: Joule, Juxtaposition

K: Kelvin, Kinetics

L: Liquid, Litmus, Lattice, Lanthanide, Ligand, Lewis structure

M: Molecule, Metal, Melting point, Monomer, Mass, Matter

N: Noble gas, Nucleus, Neutron, Nitrogen, Nonpolar, Neutralization

O: Organic, Oxidation, Oxygen, Ozone, Orbit, Oxide

P: Periodic table, Polymer, Proton, pH, Precipitate, Pressure

Q: Quantum, Quenching

R: Reaction, Reactant, Redox, Resonance, Rust, Radioactive

S: Solvent, Solute, Sublimation, Salt, Stoichiometry, Solid

T: Titration, Transition metal, Titrant, Triple bond, Tincture, Temperature

U: Uranium, Urea

V: Valence, Vapor, Volatile, Van der Waals forces, Valence electron

W: Water, Weak acid, White solid

X: Xenon

Y: Yield, Yttrium

Z: Zinc, Zwitterion

Biology Words A To Z

Below is the list of biology words:

A: Allele, Adaptation, Antibody, Amino acid, Autotroph, ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate)

B: Biodiversity, Biome, Cell, Chlorophyll, Chromosome, Cloning

C: DNA, Cytoplasm, Community, Cell membrane, Cytoskeleton, Carbon cycle

D: Diffusion, Dominant, Digestion, DNA replication, Decomposer, Dissection

E: Ecosystem, Enzyme, Evolution, Endoplasmic reticulum, Eukaryote, Embryo

F: Fermentation, Fertilization, Food chain, Fungi, Flagella, Forensic

G: Gene, Genetics, Genome, Golgi apparatus, Genotype, Gamete

H: Homeostasis, Heterotroph, Heredity, Hormone, Hypothesis, Host

I: Immunity, Inheritance, Interphase, Invertebrate, Inoculation, Ion

J: Jacob-Monod model, Joints, Juvenile, Juxtaglomerular apparatus

K: Kingdom, Karyotype, Krebs cycle, Kinetochore, Keratin, Kelp

L: Lysosome, Lactic acid, Linnaean classification, Ligament, Lichen, Lactation

M: Mitochondria, Meiosis, Mutation, Microorganism, Metabolism, Mendelian

N: Nucleus, Nucleotide, Nitrogen cycle, Natural selection, Nervous system, Neuron

O: Organelle, Osmosis, Ovary, Organic, Omnivore, Ozone

P: Photosynthesis, Protein, Punnett square, Phylum, Prokaryote, Pollination

Q: Quadrat, Quaternary structure, Qualitative, Quantitative, Quorum sensing, Quickening

R: Reproduction, Ribosome, Respiration, RNA, Recessive, Reflex

S: Species, Symbiosis, Stem cell, Synapse, Spore, Stimulus

T: Taxonomy, Transcription, Translation, Tissue, Trophic level, Thylakoid

U: Unicellular, Urinary system, Uterus, Uric acid, Ultrastructure, Urea

V: Variation, Virus, Vegetative propagation, Ventilation, Vacuole, Vascular

W: White blood cell, Watson-Crick model, Wavelength,

X: Xylem, X chromosome

Y: Y chromosome, Yeast, Yolk sac,

Z: Zygote, Zoology, Zone of inhibition

Math Words A To Z

Below is the list of math words:

A: Addition, Algebra, Angle, Arithmetic, Absolute value, Axis

B: Binary, Base, Bar graph, Binomial, Box plot, Boundary

C: Coordinate, Cube root, Circle, Cosine, Complementary angles, Cuboid

D: Division, Decimal, Data, Diameter, Differentiation, Divisor

E: Equation, Exponent, Ellipse, Exponential, Even number, Equivalent

F: Fraction, Function, Factor, Factorial, Frequency, Formula

G: Geometry, Graph, Greatest common divisor, Gradient, Greater than, Group

H: Hypotenuse, Histogram, Hyperbola, Hexagon, Horizontal, Hypothesis

I: Integer, Inequality, Intersection, Identity, Imaginary number, Index

J: Join, Joint probability, Joule, Justify, Jump discontinuity, Juxtapose

K: Kite, Kilogram, Kinematics, K-nearest neighbors, Kernel, Knot

L: Logarithm, Linear, Locus, Lowest common denominator, Line segment, Limit

M: Multiplication, Mean, Median, Mode, Matrix, Monomial

N: Negative number, Notation, Natural numbers, Normal distribution, Numerator, Null set

O: Operations, Obtuse angle, Ordered pair, Octagon, Origin, Odd number

P: Prime number, Polygon, Pythagorean theorem, Probability, Parabola, Product

Q: Quadrant, Quotient, Quadratic equation, Quartile, Quincunx, Quick calculation

R: Ratio, Rational number, Radical, Rectangle, Range, Reflection

S: Subtraction, Square root, Sum, Symmetry, Slope, Surface area

T: Triangle, Tangent, Transversal, Term, Transformation, Trigonometry

U: Union, Unit, Undefined, Unary, Unit circle, Uniform distribution

V: Variable, Vertex, Volume, Venn diagram, Vertical, Vector

W: Whole numbers, Weighted average, Width,

X: X-axis, Interquartile range

Y: Y-intercept, Y-coordinate, Yield, Yen, Y-axis, Yoctosecond

Z: Zero, Zero vector, Z-score, Zero pair, Z-test, Z-axis

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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Author information

Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.